Monika Czaja
My journey into heritage conservation is a result of my passion for art, product design and craft, alongside my commitment to sustainability. I enjoy the artistic process of repair as a means of keeping objects alive, honouring their stories and the people who crafted them. I believe that the act of creating is deeply ingrained into the human experience, and that the history of our creativity is the foundation for our heritage. Conservation satisfies my curiosity for the way objects are made and the stories they tell. It also gives me the opportunity to use problem solving and manual skills to preserve those stories, which I find very enjoyable and fulfilling.

Career Aspirations
After graduation I hope to enrol for a master’s programme in Sustainable Heritage Management, alongside gaining experience while working on a variety of conservation and restoration projects. A big goal of mine is to be able to connect communities with their heritage through the concept of maintenance and repair, focusing on bringing awareness to conservation as a sustainable way to preserve history. Through my career I aspire to continuously expand on my knowledge and skills. My intentions for the future are to contribute to the conservation of heritage, foster the heritage values within my local community and express myself creatively through art.
Exhibition Objects
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