Maddie, a white woman in her early 20s with long brown hair. She is smiling widely and looking to her right and wearing a black lace top. The photo is in black and white.

Madeleine Fox



 I’ve always had an interest in history and since a very young age, I have enjoyed visiting historic houses and heritage sites which sparked my interest in tangible heritage. For a long time, I was against the idea of going to university because I thought it was all about sitting at a desk writing essays. I discovered conservation as a job through TV shows such as Inside the Museum and The Repair Shop. Once I realised this was something I could pursue as a career, I started doing some research and found the University of Lincoln, quickly became excited about the idea of studying something I’m passionate about and getting some hands-on experience. 

The Lincoln course has been really eye-opening for me as it has shown me so many different directions the career can take me. I’ve even had a chance to undertake a placement at Belton House, owned by the National Trust. This was a highlight of the course for me as I’ve grownup visiting National Trust properties, so it was an amazing opportunity to be involved in the behind-the-scenes work. 

Career Aspirations 

During my time at Lincoln, I’ve been introduced to so many specialisms within the conservation sphere that I had no idea existed. One example is horology conservation which sparked my interest due to its mathematical nature and the ethical considerations when conserving working objects.  

I am currently looking into pursuing this as a career following university and my dream would be to have my own conservation workshop one day.   

Exhibition Objects

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